Eduworld - Study abroad
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Business studies
Business studies

Several European countries offer medical studies in English. The most popular destination is Italy, followed by Ireland, England, the Netherlands and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, e.g. the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia. Want to learn more about medicine abroad? Check out our extensive blog post:

Business studies

Broadly understood business directions are one of the most popular. The possibilities are endless - hundreds of destinations in Europe and overseas. Are you interested in business management, or maybe more in marketing, human resources management or finance? These and many other directions can be found in most countries, e.g. in the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Ireland, England, Cyprus, Malta, Belgium, Germany or Austria.


More and more people decide to study psychology in another country every year. The most popular countries are: the Netherlands (offering as many as 12 psychology majors fully in English), Malta (there you can study over 20 combinations of psychology with other majors), Italy, Spain, Ireland, England and the USA.


Right is a direction that is rightly perceived as prospective. Foreign universities offer many interesting options - international law, maritime law, combination of law with other majors (e.g. PPLE, i.e. Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics).

Fields of study
Write to us and we will help you get into studies abroad

Write to us and we will help you get into studies abroad

Poznaj kulturę kraju
Get to know the culture of the country
Master a foreign language to perfection
Master a foreign language to perfection
Practice learning
Practice learning
Create opportunities to develop yourself
Create opportunities to develop yourself
Poznaj kulturę kraju

The new country is a bit like a completely different world. Other traditions, customs, language, tastes and landscapes. Everything is new and exciting! You will immerse yourself in this world and become its integral part.

Master a foreign language to perfection

Spending a few years studying abroad you will be surrounded by a foreign language. If you already know it, you will very quickly use it as a native speaker, and if not yet, you will absorb the new language with incredible speed.

Practice learning

Universities abroad place great emphasis on teaching in practice. Forget about the typical book cramming that dominates in Poland. In addition to your knowledge, you will know how to use it!

Create opportunities to develop yourself

You will gain practical and useful knowledge at one of the world's best universities. A diploma from a foreign university will open many doors for you. In addition, you will master foreign languages to perfection and (since you undertake to study abroad) you will undoubtedly become a person with the courage to make your dreams come true.

Write to us and we will help you get into studies abroad

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