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Why is it worth it?
The highest level of teaching
Fields of study
Costs of living
Costs of studies
Scholarship and work

Study in England

Leading universities in the world, we love the British education system and great career prospects. Oxford and Cambridge are the absolute world leaders - but this list does not end in the top 100 best universities in the world there are as many as 15 universities from England!

Why is it worth it?

Have you thought what it would be like to be educated in a country with the highest quality teaching? If you want to experience the adventure of a lifetime, it is certainly worth thinking about studying in England. Here you will be immersed in the richness of scientific and historical tradition from the very first day of your stay. You will enjoy the natural and authentic English language and the beauty of English palaces and cities. Literary paintings of the English garden will become your reality. The seaside climate will make you breathe fully after classes at the University.

England offers you 50,000 fields of study to choose from. You can study everything you dream of and get from the best teachers in the world. Your English will become fluent, natural and authentic. Here you can literally start changing the world as a student. Perhaps by studying in England you will become a famous scientist or businessman and change the world?

Why is it worth it?

The highest level of teaching

Oxford and Cambridge are among the top 5 universities in the world, but remember that dozens of English universities are prestigious universities, which in the world rankings are among the top 100 or 200 universities.

Universities are also located in cities such as Bath, York, Durham, Warwick, Loughborough, Bristol, Leeds and others. Tuition fees at these universities will be much lower, and the level of education will still be at the absolute forefront of Europe. At all English universities, you will experience the highest quality of knowledge, no matter what course you choose, and the wonderful atmosphere and adventure of life. You will meet people from all over the world, including Poles permanently living in England. Studying in England is time-consuming and demanding from day one.

The highest level of teaching

Fields of study

You can be sure of one thing - no matter what course you are interested in - you will surely find it in England! The most popular fields of study in England are: Medicine, Psychology, Law, IT, Design, Business Studies, Language Studies or English Studies. Practical professions that immediately translate into professional work are very popular. Medical and IT fields seem to be the most popular. The IT sector in England is one of the most developed in the world and provides access to innovation where it originates. English studies, on the other hand, are traditional humanities studies about the history and language of Great Britain. It is simply English philology at its source, in the old English towns of Cambridge or Bath. This course is sure to please English enthusiasts who see their future in the language and cultural education industry.

Fields of study

Costs of living

When deciding to study in England, you should take into account the cost of living in that country. The largest part of the cost of living will be accommodation. You can apply for a place in the Dormitory, which will be cheaper. Living in London costs between £1100-£1500 per month, while in smaller cities £750-1000 is sufficient.

There are great opportunities for buying cheap food. The choice of food is much larger than in Poland, and prices are often compared to those in our country. The UCAS calculator will also help you plan your monthly expenses while studying in England.

Costs of living

Costs of studies

Studying in England is among the most expensive in Europe and the world. All universities in England charge tuition for the opportunity to study. The cost of studying in England starts at £9,250 per year, but in most cases it is larger amounts of £22,000, £30,000, even up to £64,000. Studying at Oxford and Cambridge starts at £24,000

Thanks to the fact that studying in England is paid (and it is quite paid), most universities are well funded and equipped - you can count on excellent conditions for gaining knowledge and conducting research. Tuition fees at all 18 universities in London will be exceptionally high, but it will open up access to the world’s best laboratories, libraries, seminars and the world’s most attractive job market and very high post-graduate earnings from day one.

Costs of studies

Scholarship and work

Scholarship funding depends on our previous history of staying in England. For people who have not had the opportunity to live here for some time, access to funding to cover the cost of their studies will be very difficult. After Brexit, the vast majority of people cannot count on scholarships. Here with support can come a job. During your studies, it is worth being open to work after school hours if you need additional funds. We can work up to 20 hours per week during the semester. The minimum wage is exactly £9. 50 an hour. Many students take up jobs, among others, in the catering sector.

Scholarship and work

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