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Study in Belgium

The country offers more than 100 undergraduate courses taught entirely in English. Tuition fees at Belgian universities are relatively low - max. 1080€ a year.

European and surprising

It is a country that belongs to the so-called ''six'' – the founders of the European Union, and the capital of Belgium - Brussels is the place of meetings and deliberations of the committees of the European Parliament. Belgium can therefore be described as the heart of Europe, not only because of its location. (from there a flight to Amsterdam, London or Paris is only about an hour away!). Thinking about Belgium, of course, we cannot omit Belgian chocolate - the first records on this subject appeared already in the 17th century. Another curiosity may turn out to be the fact that next to chocolate, Antwerp is famous for diamonds - the country's share of international trade in these raw materials is as much as 80%. What also characterises this extraordinary, developed and modern country is above all tolerance. Belgians are polyglots, if you study there, you will certainly learn more languages than just English - on a daily basis they also speak German, Dutch and French - life there is a real window to the world! It is a creative, free and independent nation, home to the European Union and upholding human rights. Studying in Belgium will make you part of this amazing world.

European and surprising


When you study in Belgium, you can count on an interesting offer of English language courses at some of the best universities in the world. Examples are:

  • University of Antwerp whose origins date back to 1852
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, top rated university across Belgium

Universities of Applied Sciences are also a great option - these universities in Belgium focus on education primarily from a practical point of view, thanks to which classes are conducted in a creative way and allow you to acquire not only knowledge, but also skills that will be useful in your further career.


Fields of study

Wondering what courses are offered by Belgian universities? Many people looking to study in a given country are severely limited by the number of programs offered in English. We have good news! In Belgium, there are many courses taught entirely in English. You will find here both business, IT, humanities, social, engineering and many more programs.

Examples of study programmes in Belgium:

International Journalism, International Business, Cyber Security, Creative Technologies & Artificial Intelligence, Business Management - Marketing, European Studies, Hotel Management and many more. . .

Fields of study

Education system

The higher education system in Belgium resembles the Scandinavian one - it is characterized by high quality, effective teaching but also the search for a balance between private life and duties. As many as 8 of the Belgian universities are among the best in the world, so we can be sure that we are in a country with a high standard of education. As for the division of universities, it looks the same as the Dutch one, it means that we have a choice of standard Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences, i.e. equivalents of our Polytechnics. The latter help us obtain a Professional Bachelor - that is a 'professional' bachelor's degree, while the former will equip you with an ''Academic Bachelor''. Each of these degrees has the same validity, however, when deciding on one or the other option, it is worth considering whether later we will want to continue our studies at the master's level, or supplement our education with an ''Advanced Bachelor''.

Education system

Language regions

Belgium is a multicultural and multilingual country. This is of course influenced by the history of this country but also by the fact that nowadays in the territory of Belgium live a large number of foreigners. Today, the majority of the population speaks at least 4 languages, 3 official languages (German, French, Dutch) and, of course, English.

Language division of the country

  • South of the country - German
  • Brussels - Dutch and French with its predominance
  • Wallonia - French and Dutch
  • Flanders - Dutch

When deciding to study in this country, it is worth thinking in advance about which of these languages you will start learning as an extra! :)

Language regions

Cost of living and studies

If you decide to study and live in Belgium, depending on the city you choose, the average cost of living will be between 750 and 1100 € per month. Compared to other European countries, these are not as large sums of money as you would expect to live in such an advanced and economically developed country in the heart of Europe. As for tuition fees at Belgian universities, it is up to 1070 € per year! Depending on the financial situation of the family and the region in which you decide to study, you can count on a significant reduction in this amount. For students there are of course various kinds of discounts when it comes to public transport or access to culture or entertainment. In Brussels, for example, people between the ages of 18 and 24 who are not even students can travel by public transport for 12 euros a year! It is also worth mentioning that Belgium has a well-connected system when it comes to trains, so moving between Belgian cities or even a trip to the Netherlands, France, Germany or Luxembourg is at your fingertips!

Cost of living and studies

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