Eduworld is a Polish company specializing in comprehensive support in getting into studies abroad. Currently, it operates on the Polish, Spanish and Mexican markets.
Eduworld's activities focus on three areas: support in choosing the right countries of study, assistance in preparing a strong application and going through the entire recruitment process, as well as assistance in organizing the trip.
This Polish organization attaches great importance to an individual approach to the needs of each applicant and focuses primarily on the quality of its assistance, and not only on the number of applicants sent.
So far, Eduworld has successfully helped over 1,000 people get into their dream studies abroad
I am very pleased with the cooperation with Eduworld. Thanks to this, not only did I not feel like in a fog during the application process, but I also achieved my goal and managed to get into my dream studies. From September I plan to study at one of the best universities in the world for architectural studies. I highly recommend cooperation, Eduworld will not only help in choosing a major, but also guide you through the application and prepare you for going to the selected university. Stand out from the competition. Use our strengths
In times when inflation is raging and salaries in Poland are what they are, it is not surprising that many young people decide to study at foreign universities, especially since in the last few years they have become relatively easy to obtain and the amount of formalities to be dealt with is often only slightly higher than at Polish universities. Despite this, during the application, we often want to focus on deepening our knowledge, preparing for the necessary exams, or writing cover letters, which is why it is good to leave formal matters in the hands of specialists - I decided to get help from eduworld and I really do not regret it.
Cooperation with the agency allowed me to receive offers from the most prestigious universities in Europe, in Italy - Sapienza University in Rome or the University of Padua, and in the Netherlands (Erasmus University Rotterdam - No. 1 business university in the world according to the Shanghai list). Of course, the agency helps you choose countries and universities depending on what you want to study and what are your personal preferences for the country. In addition to assistance in completing formalities, we can also count on substantive support in writing application essays and preparing for exams.
What distinguishes this agency from the competition is its quite intimate atmosphere. Before I decided to cooperate with this company, I had consultations with several other agencies, but I have the impression that the way applicants were treated there was more wholesale. At eduworld, communication was efficient, and the support was very individualized and tailored to my needs, which translated into results. The price of the company's services is also not scary and is adequate to the quality.
At first glance, studying abroad may be a bit scary, but I can't really imagine that someone who puts in the right amount of work and applies to more universities doesn't get at least a few offers. Although tuition and living costs abroad are higher than in Poland, you can apply for a large number of scholarships and other types of financial support. There are also countries such as Malta, where financial issues are comparable to Poland. Of course, eduworld also helps in all these matters.
I am delighted with the cooperation. Thanks to her, the application process was not so difficult anymore. I was able to contact you at any time if I had any question. I 100% recommend it.
With the help of Eduworld, I got into all the universities in the Netherlands that I applied for! Mrs. Ola answered my questions even late in the evening, gave valuable tips and checked every necessary document. Thanks to Eduworld, the application process for studies abroad was simpler and definitely less stressful. Thank you.
I am delighted with the cooperation. Thanks to her, the application process was not so difficult anymore. I was able to contact you at any time if I had any question. I 100% recommend it.
Jestem bardzo zadowolona ze współpracy z EduWorld. Pomogli mi znaleźć kierunek idealny dla mnie w mojej ukochanej Francji. Dzięki rzetelnemu przygotowaniu dostałam się na kierunek mojego pierwszego wyboru i czuję się gotowa na wyjazd!
I recommend cooperation with Eduworld to anyone who applies to study abroad. Full assistance at every stage of the recruitment process greatly facilitated the whole process and provided me with a high-quality CV and cover letter, thanks to which I got into my dream university.
Thank you to all of Eduworld for helping me get into college in the Netherlands! They really helped me with everything - from choosing a university, through CV, references and cover letter, to submitting the application! If it wasn't for Eduworld, I wouldn't have been able to study abroad! Thank you.
I 100% recommend working with Eduworld! They answer all questions quickly and precisely explain what makes you feel green. Full commitment and professionalism. I never dreamed that I would be able to study in Italy. First of all, I wouldn't have found the directions they showed me on my own, and secondly, without Eduworld, I wouldn't have been able to get into studies abroad. Thank you!
Without the help of Eduworld I would not have been able to go through the entire application. Well-functioning communication and instant responses to emails. Throughout the cooperation, I felt that I was in good hands. And most importantly - I got into the field of first choice ...
We will help you discover your dream destinations and create the best possible applications that will distinguish you from other candidates. Applying with us you will feel calm and confident. Why sure? Because we are a team of specialists and we have already helped hundreds of people get into their dream studies abroad, so we know what is most important in preparing a good application. Why take it easy? Each of us applied for studies abroad and studied at a dream university. We know how much you will care about getting into your dream studies. We will make sure that you do not worry about whether the deadlines are met and whether everything is done as it should be, but that you can calmly await your trip abroad!
By working with Eduworld, you can count on the support of professionals who have already sent many people like you to their dream studies! Most of our team have studied abroad themselves, so they will perfectly understand your needs.
With us, you maximize your chances of getting into your dream studies - you will create a great application, but you will also be able to prepare for your final exams and certification tests. We work with specialists who have extensive experience in preparing for these exams. They know the requirements and the most effective methods.